Dog Daycare

Two dogs chasing each other in grass.

Why You Should Choose Us

We take great care to train all of our staff in dog behavior and proper play etiquette. This amazing knowledge allows our staff to mix and match the dogs to the appropriate playgroups that will enhance their doggie daycare experience.

Each day the groups are selected to ensure that your dog is making new friends, learning proper play as well as being happy and comfortable. We have designed a schedule with learning in mind, which means we spend a part of every day working on “group sits”, “recalls”, “boundaries”, and waiting nicely at the gates.

We truly want to enhance your dog’s day with fun activities, enrichment games, and learning.

To ensure we have plenty of time for play and learning, please have your dog checked in by 10 am.

Bring your dog back to school!

Brown and white dog holding yellow ball with two dogs following.
Dog with their head out car window
Seven dogs sitting and standing by each other.

Dog Daycare Prices (per day)

Check-in time for daycare is between 6:30-10:00 am

Dalmation leading walking dogs.

Why We Are Truly Unique

Our groups are selected by play style and how comfortable they are in the group. We are all about balance and believe it is important for your dog to Play, Learn and Relax while they are here. Because we get to know your dog’s individual personality and what makes them happy, we are able to ensure each pup is safe and healthy.

●       If your dog will be participating in group play, we require a Meet & Greet. Call to schedule or click here to make reservations. All dogs over the age of 6 months must be spayed/neutured to participate in group activities.

●       Naps are scheduled only for young pups, or if it is requested by the pet parent. 

●       Dinner is served at 4:30pm, and the treat is only if the owner provides it, or it is purchased.

●       We do allow dog beds that can fit in a standard size washing machine in case of accidents.

●       Swimming is included in daycare and is with selected groups. We also offer several great ways to personalize your dog’s stay, visit the activities page for more information.

Seven dogs sitting and standing by each other.

The Importance of Socialization

Proper socialization with other dogs and other humans is critical to having a happy, healthy, and well-adjusted pet. With many people spending more time away from home, your furry family member may now be home alone for long periods of the day for the first time in a while. The stress of solitude can cause anti-social habits such as destructive chewing, persistent digging, excessive barking, or other signs of separation anxiety. Pets may also show signs of stress such as drooling, attempts to escape, and pacing.

If your pet suffers from separation anxiety or simply the boredom of home isolation after many months of company, bring them to daycare with us! Daycare provides your loved one with the pack environment dogs are accustomed to, creating a trusted second home for your pet while you are away. Bringing your pup to daycare with us provides all the physical, mental, and social exercise your dog needs. Give us a call to learn more about the socialization benefits of daycare.